1st picture was my first dinner here in China

The guy who picked me up at the airport got me settled in at the hotel, then left. Great. I was starving and had no way to communicate. So I went back to the school and asked if he could help me out. He took me to this giant place in the basement of a mall that has tons of Chinese food. You load up money on a card, then when you want something, you just tap the card against the machine and it deducts the costs and they serve you your food. Besides the sweet/sour chicken with rice, I had no idea what the other 3 bowls were. 

Sometimes I know what I’m getting, and other times, I don’t. For example, the yellow stuff in the bottom picture came with what I ordered and it was like a gelatinous tapioca pudding without any flavor. After struggling with chopsticks and rice, I asked my buddy what the Chinese word for ‘fork’ was and he said, “They’ll just give you chopsticks anyway”. 

Degen Hill

Degen Hill is an American editor, writer and reporter who loves traveling, reading, and exploring the world around him. "Aventuras" is a travel blog and writing portfolio covering the food, people, and cultures of China, South America, Southeast Asia, and many other countries around the world

#Travel #TravelBlog #Expat #LifeAbroad #Traveling #Aventuras #Writing


Went and saw Tiananmen Square today. What have you done lately? 


This is the view from one of the treadmills