Country Overview:
"A land of contrasts, where ancient traditions meet rapid modernization, and delectable cuisine coexists with complex political realities."
My seven-year journey in China, from May 2013 to August 2020, was a whirlwind of experiences. I taught English, pursued my Master's in Politics & Foreign Policy at the prestigious Tsinghua University, and immersed myself in the media landscape at China Today and Xinhua News Agency. Beijing was my home base, but my travels painted a vibrant tapestry of China's diverse landscapes and cultures: the bustling metropolis of Shanghai, the historic city of Xi'an, the tropical paradise of Sanya, the unique blend of East and West in Macau and Hong Kong, and countless other destinations in between. From savoring the exquisite flavors of regional cuisines to navigating the intricacies of daily life under a distinct political system, China left an indelible mark on me.
Sorry For Lack of Posts
I’ve been quarantined, and pretty much doing the same thing everyday. Wake up, protein shake, exercise, run 1.5 km outside, protein shake, call GF, lunch, work, Netflix, call GF, sleep. As such, there haven’t been a whole lot of “interesting” things to post on here. Waiting for April 30 when Thailand is expected to announce the resumption of flights. After that, I’ll find a flight, get a COVID-19 test, and be on my way. Until then, not a lot going on.
The Daily Telegraph - China Response
I thought this was a really well-written response to the typical rhetoric that China typically puts out:
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Having just finished three weeks of traveling in Southeast Asia due to the extended Spring Festival holiday, I was eager to return to Beijing to get back into my routine, despite the ongoing fight against COVID-19. My first priority was getting back to the gym.
After unpacking, a quick lunch and a shower, I put on my gym clothes, strapped on my Nikes, and scootered through the quiet streets of Beijing. Upon arriving at my gym, I noticed that the lights were off, and a lock was placed over the double doors. With a heavy heart, I approached and saw a sign that read: “According to the regulations of the relevant departments of Beijing Municipality, to prevent and control the epidemic, all sports business units and public fitness venues are closed.”
Frustrated but eager to find a way to workout, I went home and called multiple gyms around the city. “Sorry, we’re waiting for the notice to re-open” was the common response. So, like many people around China dealing with the epidemic, I did some workouts at home. Pushups, situps, jumping jacks (which I’m sure my downstairs neighbor didn’t appreciate) and stretches. But I knew this wouldn’t suffice over an extended period of time. I needed a better solution.
Living in the hutongs, my mind immediately thought about the brightly colored (usually blue and yellow) public workout equipment strewn across the city. I visited two before I finally found the holy grail of public workout equipment at Qingnianhu Park, just above the second-ring road.
Greeting the baoan at the gate with a smile under my N95 mask, I asked if there was a fitness area here. He said yes, and I asked if it was sufficient. He shrugged and said, “well, it’s not small.” I had to see for myself. He took my temperature, gave me a thumbs up for wearing shorts, and I made my way into the park. After crossing a bridge and nodding at a number of masked Chinese running past me, I finally saw the brightly colored equipment. Parallel bars, ab machines, pullup bars, monkey bars, a tricep dip machine, I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was the greatest outdoor fitness area I had ever seen.
For the past few days, each morning, I’ve gone to the park to workout and what early morning workout isn’t complete without elderly ladies stretching and gossiping with each other. Although we haven’t made it to a first-name basis, they’ve been kind enough to keep an eye on my jacket while I run around the lake and compliment me on my ability to brave the weather in shorts. I spoke with one of the ladies at the park, and she said: “Even though I’m 55, I’m not nervous about the virus. I come here every day to stretch, walk, and talk with my friends.” When asked what she is doing to keep busy, she said: “I cook at home every day! I like to make new dishes.”
I’ve always admired the tenacity and dedication Chinese people have to staying fit. Whether it’s the old ladies dancing together in public squares, or young Chinese going for a run on the streets, people in China are finding positive ways to deal with the current situation. Even despite the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, the park I went to had numerous people running, stretching, working out, or simply taking a walk to enjoy the cold, but beautiful morning.
The ongoing epidemic might have impacted restaurants, local businesses, and offices. However, Chinese people’s optimism still remains, both in the hope of winning the fight against the coronavirus and in continuing to live normal lives despite the changes in the capital. I also spoke with a mother who was exercising with her son, and she said: “It’s safer to stay at home, but it’s important to get out of the house and have some fun.” The boy, who told me his English name was Kevin, said: “I like parks. But now we just need to wear masks to come here.”
Despite the virus, the cold, or the recent snow in the capital, Chinese are still determined to stay fit and stay positive, and its thanks not only to the baoan for doing temperature & mask checks at the gate, but also the government for keeping the parks open. They offer respite from the many hours spent at home and a way for people to stay healthy, even if you have to share a machine with an elderly lady in a puffy down jacket.
China's Development
Here is an article I wrote about China’s “developing country” status and what it will take for China to become a developed country in the future
2020 National Championship
Being a sports fan is challenging when in Beijing. Games either start super early or super late. LSU-Clemson game started at 9am and I forgot how long games were when you factor in commercials and the halftime report. On top of that, an electric bike battery exploded right outside the bar window and even when doused with a fire extinguisher, flames continued to burst forth, so the fire department was called. Eventful morning.
Is the West’s ‘Red Scare' About China Valid?
Here’s an article I recently wrote about Red Scare and China
Chinese Banks
Chinese banks are just as bad as U.S. DMVs. They are slow, anal about paperwork, no one is in a good mood, and no matter what you went there to do, there’s about 15 steps that need to be taken to get it done. I can order laundry detergent and donuts to my house in 15 minutes using only an app, but exchanging currency takes well over an hour. Fix the system, China, it’s broken.
China's Hutong Renovations: Yay or Nay?
You ever get so busy that you forget to update your blog? Ya, happened to me. I leave for Egypt on July 30, so expect lots of photos of me with my hands in the air surrounded by sand.
Here’s an article I just recently wrote for Expat Guides.
Noodles Noodles Noodles
I’ve always been an advocate for noodles over rice, and each time I eat these, I reaffirm my decision. These are called “You Po Mian” and are a broad, belt-shaped type of noodle, popular in Shaanxi Province, also known as biángbiáng miàn. It has vinegar, soy sauce, spices, garlic, bok choy and sprouts. It’s a super simple dish, but there’s something about chewy, handmade noodles that really brings it together.
Terracotta Army - Xi’an, China
The Terracotta Armyis a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE with the purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife.
The figures, dating from approximately the late third century BCE, were discovered in 1974 by local farmers in Lintong County, outside Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.
The terracotta figures are life-sized and vary in height, uniform, and hairstyle in accordance with rank.
Also, I have no idea what that lady is doing squatting on the ledge.