Tagline: A Chinese couple must deal with morality, conspiracy, and murder in order to have a child under the new Contraception Initiative in the year 2070.
Blurb: A thriller set 50 years in the future, when the world’s population has reached catastrophic proportions. Out of endless war and revolutions arose a new universal policy, one which brings out the worst in people so they can create a better world. When Li Hu and his wife want to have a child they must be approved by Contraception – an initiative requiring each applicant to first kill three random people to combat the world’s growing population. But such a radical solution is open to corruption, and Li soon faces hitmen, hackers and hostile politicians in a bid to overcome near-impossible odds.
Featured on Murder, Mayhem, and More & Book of the Day
Degen Hill has just made my list of favorite authors. Contraception is so intelligent, so fast paced, and so consuming that I was initially shocked that I'd never come across the author or the title before. Imagine my further surprise upon discovering this is a debut novel by a debut novelist.
The futuristic and sci-fi elements blend seamlessly with a quickening plot and wholly authentic dialogue. There is also an assassin named Victor, who a reader will struggle to despise even though he does despicable things.
In truth, everyone else has their own list of dirty deeds to contend with - including Li and Mei, but Hill has developed his character's so deftly that they are all, even Victor, thickly layered and intriguing.
I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for a read with a unique and believable dystopian twist, top-notch action and suspense sequences, and the first run from an author who you'll undoubtedly hear more from down the road. This is the best book I've read so far this year. I'm not kidding.
— Jaime Michele | Goodreads Review
Author Degen Hill uses his detailed knowledge of today’s Chinese society – doubtless informed by the lasting impact of the one-child policy – to range far and free among moral uncertainties in this thought-provoking story. I hugely enjoyed Contraception’s moral debates, and the author’s insightful observations of 21st century society and speculation on where they may lead.
Contraception is a first novel – and it displays all the volatile dynamism of a first time author who is refining his craft, so it’s pretty easy to forgive the odd bump in the road. I’ll certainly look out for Degen Hill’s next offering, and hope it delivers more of his inventive and provocative story-telling.
— Rowena Hoseason | Murder, Mayhem & More
This is a realistic novel that takes a serious look at one of the problems of our earth. In a very somber tone, the narrator says that “The world was overpopulated, but somehow still refused to admit that it was ill equipped to deal with mankind’s greatest problem — man himself.” Degen Hill has used the question of overpopulation to spin a story that engages readers, forces them to think about the fate of the planet, while entertaining them with a perilous journey of a couple in search of answers. The narrative is very well done and the international setting comes out vividly throughout with cultural elements that readers will be interested in learning. Contraception has strong characters and a beautifully created plot.
— Christian Sia | Readers’ Favorite
I loved the idea behind this novel and it is something that seems to be very plausible. I have heard rumors about the Chinese population control policy, and I think that the question of overpopulation will eventually become a serious one if humankind continues at today’s growth rate. Degen Hill’s story is well plotted and the characters are fully fleshed out. While Contraception can be entertaining, it is a prophetic novel that is brilliantly constructed and executed with great skill. The author draws the attention of readers to a serious threat to the world, one that few take the time to think about. Readers will enjoy the writing, the clear narrative voice, the intensity of the action, and the well-handled settings.
— Ruffina Oserio | Readers’ Favorite
Tagline: Two lives intertwine in the desperate search for a cure amid the deadly Styre virus.
Blurb: In the year 2071, humans must take daily dose injections to suppress the symptoms of the Styre virus that has infected the planet. When Finn Brantley loses his job, and with it, his access to a steady supply of daily injections, he comes to terms with his inevitable death. But when his doses run out and he's still alive, he's left with an impossibility—he's immune.
Two paths collide in the desperate search for a cure, a man's fight to save his daughter, and a way to liberate a country from the grips of a tyrannical government. As the characters fight to uncover the truth, they'll discover there is hope for a better future—even when all seems lost.
Degen Hill's gripping dystopian thriller has some striking parallels to events happening in our world right now. Fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with suspense and intrigue, A Viral State leaves little room to relax, keeping you on the edge of your seat for the duration of the book. Clearly inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic, Hill's novel demonstrates the ways the general populace can be manipulated through a barrage of misinformation and propaganda and kept in the dark as to what's going on. Finn and Nolan are the two most fleshed-out characters, with backstories of their own that give agency to their actions.
Despite the dark tone of the narrative, the story ends on an optimistic note. I thoroughly enjoyed A Viral State, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys dystopian tales.
— Pikasho Deka | Reader’s Favorite
Surprisingly easy to read, I breezed through the story and ended it within just a couple of hours. I was invested from the get-go, and nothing could stop once I reached chapter three (I missed lunch just to read a little more). Finn is a little desperate and very much tired of his life in the beginning, but when he realizes that he is immune to the virus, there is a spark in him that makes reading this story an absolute joy. Nolan Parker, on the other hand, is a straitlaced man ready to do whatever is right in the eyes of the law. However, his personal tragedy allows him to look further and hope for a better future, too. The story is very obviously inspired by the current global situation with the COVID-19 pandemic and the author gives a very scary yet accurate description of what can happen in the future. The story feels genuine, realistic, and very entertaining: everything you need in dystopian fiction to occupy you for hours.
— Rabia Tanveer | Reader’s Favorite
This is certainly a timely novel given the subject matter, but what struck me most was the parallels between the tyrannical government in the book and the very real profit-based healthcare system which motivates people to stay in their jobs or risk losing insurance. Author Degen Hill’s imagination has created a world in these pages with some white-hot social commentary about the world we live in right now, and no punches are pulled in exploring this extreme future that could one day be our own. This is an exciting, full-throttle tale of rebellion and hope in the face of tyranny that has thrilling and engaging prose on every page. Overall, A Viral State is a book that will hook you quickly and take you on a dark and dangerous adventure as it unfolds, and once the final page is turned I guarantee you’ll be thinking about what it has to say long afterward.
— K.C. Finn | Reader’s Favorite