Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
Fancy Lunch
My buddy is visiting from Camaná, so we and some other buddies decided to go out for some real food today. Went to “La Terraza” which overlooks ‘La Plaza De Armas’ here in Arequipa. Legit.
1st pic is chicken something, I forgot the name
2nd pic is ceviche, which is always delicious with 'chelas’ (beers)
Doritos what?!
Every bag of Doritos I have eaten in the past month or so has come with a mini packet of Ketchup or Mustard. I don’t know if this is a world wide promotional thing, or if they are just catering to the fact that Peruvians eat their chips in the most disgusting way possible.
Peruvian Beer
2nd Superbowl in Peru. Still no little smokies, kegs or pizza pockets to be found, but with all 4 types of Cusqueña and chips w/ guac, I’m all set.
I’m going with the Niners on this one. Despite the fact that I don’t care, and I don’t like Kaepernick (Nevada vs. Boise 2010), it’s still a West coast team and I respect that.
Takeout Chifa
For my Aunt Winnie who has a difficult time figuring out what the food pictures are:
‘Pollo verdura’ - Chicken, fried rice, broccoli, lettuce, peas, and red peppers. Yum.
Free Food
So I get a knock on the door and my landlady’s kid is holding this plate, offering it up to me like I’m some kind of Incan god. I ask him what it is and he responds, “It’s for eating.” Well thanks Sherlock. Although a bit acidic, it was delicious nonetheless. I think it’s called ‘Soltero de Queso’ or something.
As I browse through the fruit section of grocery stores in Arequipa, I am continually amazed at the wide variety of fruits and vegetables available here. Although America has fruit available year round because of ‘modifications’, I prefer the Peruvian fruits and veggies more.
Although the name is written on these packages, I still have no idea what they are nor what they taste like. Just thought they looked interesting. Speaking of which, I ate a tiny orange banana yesterday that one of my students gave me, saying it was from 'la selva’. Thanks Olenka!