More from the Corso. First is a giant snack cart that has popcorn, chips, and other assorted things that I can’t pronounce. The picture with people huddled around a small grill is quite common. I probably saw 30 of these within 2 blocks. These grills have mini shish kabobs with either chicken or beef, topped with a tiny grilled potato. They cost S/. 1, or about 40 cents. 

Came across a portable flat top grill with some weird looking meat mixture, so of course I asked what it was. Turns out it was grilled chicken gizzard and local corn grilled together with spices and served on a plastic plate. For S/. 3, it was scrumptious. 

Degen Hill

Degen Hill is an American editor, writer and reporter who loves traveling, reading, and exploring the world around him. "Aventuras" is a travel blog and writing portfolio covering the food, people, and cultures of China, South America, Southeast Asia, and many other countries around the world

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Captain America in Peru
