Not Much to Update

Now that I’m back in Chiangmai, work is in full swing, and my daily schedule is gym, lunch, work, movie, and sleep. Not thrilling, but I’m happy to be back in my condo and employed. Though part of me still wants to push and do something of my own, from inception to implementation. Ideas are still out there, but I think 2023 is when things might start to kick off.

Haven’t been out much, but here’s some cool graffiti near a market in Nimman I went to.

Degen Hill

Degen Hill is an American editor, writer and reporter who loves traveling, reading, and exploring the world around him. "Aventuras" is a travel blog and writing portfolio covering the food, people, and cultures of China, South America, Southeast Asia, and many other countries around the world

#Travel #TravelBlog #Expat #LifeAbroad #Traveling #Aventuras #Writing

Go Karting


That Chiangmai Life