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Sunday Funday / Finally Found an "Open" Gym

Hungout with my buddy this weekend, and his friend joined, saying he had just come from the gym. My immediate question was, “WHAT GYM?!” He told me that Hades Gym was “open” despite the city’s measures stating that gyms were not allowed to operate until the provincial government allows them to do so. I drove there this morning, and although the metal shutter by the entrance was only open about half a meter from the ground, I ducked under, opened the door, and found a fully open gym. The cost for 1 day was THB 70 (USD 2.3), and it was the first time I was able to exercise in a gym in over a month.

Do I risk being fined if the police find out the gym is open? Yes. Do I think it’s worth it? Absolutely. The gym itself was pretty basic but a lot better than the two plastic dumbbells I have at home.


Squat rack - smith machine - bench press - incline press - cable machines - plate machines - cardio bikes - treadmills - free weights - weighted straights bars - leg press - lat pull down - shoulder press - back pull machine - TRX ropes - monkey ladders - & much more.

I doubt Thai authorities are reading my blog, so I’m not too worried about blowing up my spot. I’m hoping gyms across the city will get the green light to open on June 1, but I’m happy knowing there’s still an alternative if they don’t.