Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
Floro Floro Floro
‘Floro’ in Perú means 'bullshit’ and as I sit here and watch the friendly Perú vs. Honduras game, I can’t help but laugh. Pulling for Honduras because 1, it’s an easy way to make money, and 2, if Peru wins, that’s all my students will talk about for weeks.
For those of you who haven’t seen Ibrahimovic’s goal against the friendly Sweden vs. England game, it’s quite elegant.
Oh soccer..
Got really excited about the Paraguay victory over Peru and had a 1 on 1 indoor-sandal-soccer match with my roommate yesterday. Ended up kicking the wall and breaking my big toe. Nothing like trying to explain what happened and avoid sounding like an idiot.
World Cup..
Qualifiers all afternoon. Glad to be in a country where soccer is the national sport. Although missing NCAA football is starting to take its toll. Biggest game today is Peru vs. Bolivia, of which I have bet on the latter. Half the fun is the debates I have with my students about how terrible Peru is at soccer. I guess we will see in a couple hours.
Police with riot shield was one of about 20 who escort the refs off the field. Peruvians can be a little rowdy. Now I understand why they the stadium doesn’t sell beer.
Sport Boys
Went to Sport Boys (lima) Vs. Melgar (arequipa) soccer game which ended 5-1 Melgar. Being literally the only person wearing the pink Sport Boys jersey, I got yelled / laughed at for the majority of the game. But you better believe I celebrated our only goal in style, although the crowd wasn’t as enthusiastic about it as I was. Nothing like a local Peruvian soccer game to remind you that swearing sounds much cooler in Spanish.
You my boy blue! These are the old guys I eat lunch with. They flirt with the waitress, then ask to watch soccer while we eat and then wink at me as if saying, “That’s how it’s done sonny boy”, as the waitress finds us a match.
Go-Karting in Peru
Go karting weeew! Last picture is the bar where my buddy and I had a couple beers to celebrate our victory of beating the two 11 year old kids on the track. Hey, a win’s a win.
There was also a giant soccer tournament going on outside and we noticed that everyone was eating pollo asado con arroz. After sitting amongst the crowd for awhile, we then asked the guy next to us how much a plate cost and he told us that it was a private event and food was invitation only. Turns out a league of taxi drivers was having a private tournament and we were told that “Ya, you guys are sort of crashing our event”. Duly noted señor. And with that, we finished our beers, stood up and left without making any sudden movements.
Cada loco con su tema
An advantage of South American countries is all the soccer games on tv. Today is day 2 of the Eurocup and I’m hoping Ronaldo breaks his leg so Germany can pull through with a win. My cocky students, of course, want another shot at the champ and eagerly chose Spain because ‘well they won it last year so…’ I’ll take that bet.
One of my students yesterday was talking about hookers (yes, as in prostitutes) and another student asked him what a hooker was. He told him that it was something you used when you fish. To which student #2 responded “Oh, hookers! Ya, I use them all the time, but sometimes they break and I have to get new ones”. <– I hate when that happens.
DElicious Menu I ate at today. Stuck with a personal favorite and ordered ‘Matasquita’ which is chunks of potatoes & carne in a beef sauce and as usual, comes with white rice.
Finally bought the Peruvian national soccer jersey, which is a bit ironic since I bet against Peru at every opportunity. Call me a hater but it’s paying off. And on that note, let’s go Uruguay!
Hate to say I told you so
COLOMBIA FOR THE WIN! The ethical part of me questions if betting with Peruvians on a Peru vs. Colombia game is fair, knowing that although Peru’s soccer team isn’t so good, they’re going to pick their home team. And then I think, no, I don’t feel bad at all. With my pocket full of cash, I’ll happily bet against Peru any day. This would be an appropriate time to use my newly created spanish word ‘Odiador".
Maca, what keeps me going for those 8 hour Saturday classes
WEEEEW CHELSEA!! After being stuck in class all day, at 4:20 I made a mad dash for the door and into the nearest tienda to catch Drogba sink the last shoot-out goal for the win. My students eagerly accept bets with me because, “You’re American, what do you know about soccer?” But come Monday, I’ll not only get to enjoy my pockets full of soles, but also the look of regret in my students eyes knowing that next time, they’ll think twice about betting on a German team.
Saw this on some street I was walking on today. Cool story huh?
BOOOM what’s up Real Madrid! Way to come through with a win today. Nothing like winning bets with a bunch of die hard Barcelona fans. Maybe next time you’ll bet logically instead of hopping on that Barca bandwagon. But let’s hope you don’t because I could always use some extra soles.
Soccer / Fútbol
Me:I'm excited for some soccer this afternoon
Student:It's called 'Fútbol'
Me:Not in America kid
America renaming Europe's most popular sport. TFM.