Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
Turn Off the TV
As I count down my 10 days left until Cuzco, I get more and more excited. I’ll miss Arequipa, but at the same time, it will be nice to return back to the States where I can finally get my hands on all of the things of which I’ve so often said, “I wish Peru had _______”.
Graffiti Proposal
“I love you Maricita, marry me”
Now here’s a guy who’s keeping it classy! (Imagine John Madden’s voice)
For lunch I had fried calamari, french fries, rice and a salad for a whopping total of $2.20. Peru is fantastic.
Sitting here in Peru watching the Olympics in Spanish while eating a nutella and peanut butter banana sandwich. Doing well in life. Sat down with my Spanish couch-surfer as he rattled off over 40 slang words and I rushed to write them down. After learning hundreds of words in slang, I am confident in saying that even if you major in Spanish, you definitely don’t speak the language.
The most exciting thing that’s happened in the last week or so? Me changing gyms and seeing the new Batman. It’s pretty wild down here in Peru.
More graffiti from Arequipa, Peru.
Had a student get in my face for telling him verbatim, and I’m not censoring myself here, to “look up the word in your dictionary”. He then told me it was my responsibility, and proceeded to walk out of class. I guess not everyone is a morning person.
Headed to Chile next Thursday for the ever so exciting Visa run. This time I’m bringing along a crew so it should make for some interesting adventures. I’ll also be bringing a box of chocolates to bribe the lady at the border into giving me a 6 month Visa. Hopefully she’ll take the bait.
I’m not one to make assumptions, but that looks like Hitler. If so, it begs the question, “Why the hell would someone draw that in Peru?”
I’ve been tutoring this 11 year old kid and at the end of our class we always play chess. This kid smokes me each and every time. He’s setting up traps, baiting me, he’s like the Peruvian Bobby Fischer. Part of me feels embarrassed, but I justify my losses by giving him the title of genius.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more vicious looking smurf in my entire life. Thanks Peru for the interesting perspective.
The decrease in height struck me as a good foto opportunity.
Woke up this morning at 5am to my first Peruvian earthquake. My bed started shaking and at first I thought I was dreaming about one of those cheap motel beds that vibrates. Then my cell phone and water fell to the floor and every dog within 10 miles started to bark and howl. The shaking lasted about 40 seconds then abruptly stopped, although the dogs continued for another minute or so. Not a bad way to start my Monday morning.
Started studying vocab for the GRE. Figured I should brush up on my English seeing as how that’s what I teach and I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to get an early start preparing for yet another standardized test.
Shout-out today goes to Mr. Mark Shearer. I hope podiatry school over in that little town of New York isn’t too agonizing. Also hope you got your package, I’d hate for a 37 cent postcard and $1 bracelet to get lost in the mail. Best of luck my man!
Graffiti in Arequipa, Peru. This post goes out to my buddy Marc “The Sandman” Sandoval. Remember, you’re a graphic designer, so stop working at a call center and start a movement towards the abolishment of Comic Sans.
I know I already posted a picture of the female looken Che, but there has been an addition. Look out folks! It means ‘Water is worth more than gold’.
Saw this on some street I was walking on today. Cool story huh?
BOOOM what’s up Real Madrid! Way to come through with a win today. Nothing like winning bets with a bunch of die hard Barcelona fans. Maybe next time you’ll bet logically instead of hopping on that Barca bandwagon. But let’s hope you don’t because I could always use some extra soles.
Made a visa-run down to Arica, Chile and had an amazing time. There was warm weather, cold beer, an excellent hostel (case de huespedes) but it was the 3 girls from Denmark (the Denmarkians) that made the trip one that I will never forget. They were, as they say in Danish, “kræftedeme lækker!” There’s one in particular and if you’re reading this, remember, “Du er smuk y te extraño.” This weekend really solidified for me that traveling really is all about meeting new people and learning that this world is a lot bigger than we can imagine. Plus why not get out and travel? You might just meet some cute Danish girls along the way…
The “Free Education” graffiti piece along with an anarchy symbol caught my eye. Not sure how the Chilean education system works but I’m sure that free education trumps any type you pay for
After walking by this I thought, “Wow, Che Guevara looks really feminine”. Then realized it wasn’t him, although there is a striking resemblance…
After a 4 hour class this morning and a rigorous boxing workout, I decided to get a massage. Arequipa has many massage parlors, but I kept hearing that the ones that are run by blind people are the ‘sure fire winners’. They weren’t kidding. For S/.15 ($6) I got a helluva half hour massage. Saturday in Peru > Saturday in the States.
Final Four are tonight and you better believe I’ll be drinking Peruvian beer and streaming those games. Kentucky is my last thread of hope, but they’ll pull through; they’re a #1 for a reason.
Graffiti next to Plaza Vea in Arequipa, Peru. Almost looks as if the stop sign is painted on the wall, maybe it is?
Shoutout to my buddy Marc ‘Sandy’ Sandoval, hope you like what old people consider 'vandalism’. If I see anymore of this 'trash’ done by 'hoodlums’ I’ll snag a pic and get it up on the 'ol 'world wide web’.
This piece is outside my gym.
I’ve been looking at motorcycles lately and after a couple months of work, the only difficult part will be picking which color. A lot of Peruvians tell me that I won’t need a driver’s license and that if I get pulled over, a couple Soles should take care of any ‘problems’ I might have. For my last day of student teaching I am going to teach typical American jokes such as blonde, lawyer, lightbulb etc and why we laugh.
If you are living in the states and that job at the bank isn’t fulfilling that inner urge to live life, I encourage you to travel and teach english. I don’t believe in 10 day vacations, if you’re going to travel, go balls deep and be a part of something greater than yourself.
Live Music in Peru
It’s Saturday, which means no english grammar class. Heard a spiel last night from Sarah, from Louisiana, about how delicious crawfish are and she’s thoroughly convinced that they’re mixed in with the rice at ceviche restaurants. I also learned last night that a quarter worth of salsa class in college doesn’t get you very far in South America.