Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
Translate Fail
Even if they were using a translator, they still somehow managed to screw it up. As my 13 months in Arequipa come to a close, I can't help but reflect back on the whirlwind of an adventure I've had. My thanks go out to all those who made Peru an unforgettable experience. This country has opened my eyes, changed my perspectives, and humbled me more than I could have expected. I wish everyone the best and I'll see you in the future. Much love and many thanks Arequipa.
Peruvian: A person who has no sense of time
Ayyy, lo siento, xfa, solo 10 minutos mas, te lo juro!
10 minutes later
Pucha, olvidé hacer *algo*, solo 15 mas, lo sientoooooo
English Comic
First, this is not my class. Second, there are mistakes, it was written by a Peruvian learning English, what do you expect? Hilarity of course,
One day Katty was walking on the park, then she saw Carlos, but he was sad.
She invited him a icecream and they started to talk about yours btes. So she discovered that Carlos was sad because his mom traveled to U.S.A.
She tried help him, but he was very sad, so she invited him to amusement park and they played all the afternoon.
Then they return to home of Katty and on the street a car crash them and they died.
Johny Walter
Casi, casi. ‘Johny Walter’, a delicious whisky here in Perú, tastes oddly familiar to 'Johny Walker’.
So I’ve been sitting here for 10 minutes thinking how to justify this mistake and I’ve got nothing. There really is no excuse. It’d be like me writing 'Korona’ and not bothering to even once make sure my menu was correct before printing it. At this point, I just shake my head and realize that yes, this is Perú.
Please Do Not Pee or Poop In Public
I guess this happens often enough so as to justify a sign prohibiting it.
“Don’t park here, and don’t move the fucking stick”
Well at least it’s a ‘get to the point’ kind of sign.
Peru: FAIL
As if the humility of not winning any Olympic medals wasn’t enough. This site will give you a better understanding of the typical things one sees while walking down a street in Peru
I'll see your logic, and I'll raise you common sense
The baby just ate, it can't / must be full.
Me:Is it 'must' or 'can't'?
Student:It's 'can't'
Me:Why is that Pedro?
Student:Because babies drink milk, so he is not thirsty but probably hungry
Me:Pedro do you realize what babies eat?
Common sense:FAIL