Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
Camana, Peru
These are some fotos taken in Camaná, Peru. It’s always nice to get out of Arequipa, if only for the weekend. I’ve got less than a week left in AQP until I am off to Cuzco and then the States. It’s been an incredible 13 months and I am absolutely going to miss Peru.
We’ve got 2 Don Won Ton originals here today. Juan was kind enough to take requests and after drawing the turtle in under 5 minutes, I asked for a zombie fighting a mummy. They were free, and I guess you really do get what you pay for.
Last Day of Work
Good morning! Or good night? If you picked sunset, consider yourself the big winner
After completing a full year, today was my last day at Extreme English. I’ll be here for the month of February, teaching private classes and practicing my Muay Thai/Boxing, and then off to Machu Picchu in March with the rents. It’s been a long and interesting year, that’s for sure. I’ve met a lot of real cool people from all over the world and I hope to see you all again in the future. I can’t say it enough; Peru is a super cool country. I have 1 more month to enjoy South America and I’ll certainly take advantage of my time off.
Student (Rain Man): What am I supposed to call you: Mr. Hill, Degen, teacher…?
Degen: Call me “El Tigre”
We’ve got a special post today. Ladies, I’d like to introduce you all to my student, Juan. He discovered my blog and proceeded to laugh and tell me that no one reads it. So to all those ladies out there that are interested and clearly not reading this blog, don’t hesitate another minute! He goes by the name, “Señor Don Juan Ton” or “Gumbi” due to his gangly stature.
Juan: I told you I’d post this
Trip of a lifetime...
I had my students write travel advertisements and here was the winner:
Have you ever wanted to see paradise on earth, also known as Pyongyang, North Korea? If you sign up now, you can be one of the 1st hundred people to say, “I love North Korea!” One lucky winner will even have a private lunch on the grave of Kim Jong-Il. Don’t wait another second! Call 1-800-IheartNK to reserve your spot now!
This kid had me cracking up this morning.
Word of the day...
What do you call people who take charge of things?
Student: Leadershippers
I’ll take it
"If I commanded a city, I would forbid reggaeton. In bars, in public, it would even be illegal to have on your ipod. Reggaeton is stupid and I hate it. Oh what music do I like? I like heavy metal Catholic rock." - Gustavo (a student), after being asked what he would do if he were in charge of a city. I hope he never gets elected into office.
Bout that time...
Ahh the joys of the holidays. Family, friends, a break from school or work, they truly are a wonderful time. But I’m getting restless. I have another 5 days before I start teaching again and I’m working diligently to keep my sanity. I need to be busy, and after rearranging my room 4 times in the last 3 days and crocheting 4 spools of yarn into scarves, this whole ‘vacation’ thing isn’t cutting it for me. I need some social interaction, and shamelessly flirting with the checkout lady at the supermarket isn’t what I had in mind. “Well why don’t you watch movies?” suggested the trainer at my gym, to which I replied, “Have you seen Netflix lately?"
It’s a fantasy for some people: to spend the holidays in a foreign, exotic country. Trying new things, hearing strange languages, blah blah blah. It’s a nice thought, similar to the way girls fantasize that situations in rom-coms would really happen. Sadly, on the off chance that they do occur, they’re never the same as they had imagined when they were chowing down on that pint of haagen daz.
It’s been 11 months to the day that I arrived here in Peru, the longest I’ve been out of the States. I’m also currently the most veteran teacher at my English institute. However, I’m ready to go back, mostly because I don’t feel challenged anymore. I’ve got my routine and I’m just going through the motions. Plus, I’m tired of waiting in lines for everything. (That’s my American entitlement talking) Arequipa is a great city, but at the same time, I’m not surprised that my school has had 40+ teachers come and go within the time I’ve been here. Here’s to new changes in 2013.
And so it begins...
First rain in Arequipa since March. After having spent 4 years in college in Washington State, it’s a welcoming site.
My classroom dynamic has drastically changed after a 46 year old engineer enrolled in my class of 20 year olds. He is all business, which means I will have to keep the slang to a minimum. I’m sure he isn’t too interested in learning words like, “Stoked” and “What’s crack-a-lacken?"
High hopes..
Me:What do we use our minds for?
Student 1:To make decisions
Student 2:To think
Student 3:Telekinesis, like in X-Men
Me:You do know that X-Men aren't real right?
Netflix is like a graveyard for movies..
Started class on Friday and I’m teaching all basic classes. After advanced classes for the last 6 months, it’s time to rethink my approach and start talking slower. It’s been awhile since I have taught anyone under the age of 12. Reminds me of when I was back in El Salvador. On a completely unrelated note, I had to throw my Sperry’s away today. Clearly, my Sunday has been exhilarating.
The Alternative...
Me:What does Barack Obama represent?
Student 1:Power
Student 2:Strength
Student 3:Inquisición Social
Take it how you want...
Me:What does "hit on somebody" mean?
Student:Like beat them up?
Me:Good logic Pedro, but no
En serio?
Student in class had a shirt on that said, “I’m the first one”. Questioned her about being ‘the first to do what’ until she realized the saying didn’t make too much sense. Who is selling these ridiculous shirts?
Learned today that Nigeria should quit basketball and perhaps focus on running instead, or any other sport for that matter. 156-73, really?
Blah blah blah...
Talked about the Olympics in class today (a sore topic for Peru) and tried to figure out the origins of swimming. One student made a good point by saying, “If someone pushes you into the ocean, wouldn’t that be swimming?” To which I said, "Well I suppose if you don’t drown, then yeah, you’ve got a point.“
Went to the grocery store today and bought 5 different types of local powdered roots and grains because they are "Bueno para la salud!” Mixed them together with hot chocolate powder and now have quite an interesting drink when combined with water.
Highlight of my day: Splurging on an overpriced can of Nutella because it’s just so goddamn tasty