Country Overview:
"Arequipa, the white city of Peru and the gateway to the Colca Canyon, offers travelers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty."
Located in the heart of southern Peru, Arequipa is a city that showcases the best of what the country has to offer. From its stunning colonial architecture and rich cultural heritage, to its beautiful natural surroundings and delicious cuisine, Arequipa has something for everyone. Arequipa is a hidden gem — it's a place where you can experience the very best of Peruvian culture and history, all while enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains and the Colca Canyon. Whether you're looking to explore the city's historic center, sample its delicious cuisine, or simply relax in its peaceful surroundings, Arequipa should definitely be on your travel list.
I lived in Arequipa, Peru from September 2011 to November 2012. I taught English, practiced Muay Thai, and got really into learning Peruvian slang. I also visited Lima, Cuzco, Colca Canyon, and Playa Mollendo.
12 hours on a bus and 2 in a taxi makes for quite an uneventful Sunday. Although getting a new 4 month Visa was worth it. Had a fight with the lady at the border because without thinking, I told her I worked in Peru, thus leading to the inevitable discussion of, “Well then why do you have a travel visa?” Going through the Peru/Chile border is like spending time at an American DMV. Hell on earth.
Nice to see a Christmas tree on the Peruvian side at least.
3rd times a charm...
Bought my bus tickets for Chile today and because I’m not a fan of Chile, I’m shooting for a round trip visit on Sunday. 12 hours in a bus, 2 hours in a taxi, and a little extra, because after all, it’s South America. This will be my 3rd and final border run and I couldn’t be happier.
These were taken on the way to Colca. Literally in the middle of nowhere there were these indigenous ladies selling Alpaca blankets and scarves. My initial reaction is, “wow, surprising”, but then I remember that since I’m in Peru, it’s normal by now.
Bus ride was about 6 hours and it was a very ‘locals only’ bus. Or better put, I was the only foreigner. I love it though, it’s great seeing all the locals from different areas around Peru and how alive the indigenous culture really is.