Peruvian 'Efficiency'
After 3 unsuccessful attempts at the Peruvian post office to pick up a package, I finally figured it out. Only 25 people a day (15 morning, 10 afternoon) are allowed to pick up international packages and securing a spot is…challenging . Arriving an hour a half before the allotted time should be plenty, I naively think. Fail. So this morning I figured two and half hours should do it. My buddy and I show up at 6am to sit outside ‘Serpost’ thinking there has got to be an easier way. But apparently this is normal behaviour because every 20 minutes, someone would show up, ask what number they were, then proudly declare their number to make sure there were no discrepancies once we got inside. The question that followed was always the same, “¿Quién es primero?” Serpost opens, and as 'numero uno’ is called, I pridefully walk into the back to greet the customs officer and pick up my package. I had beaten them at their own game.