Country Overview:
“Islands, tuktuks, food wrapped in banana leaves, and the chance to get your Eat, Pray, Love on”
With thousands of islands, a strong culture you won’t find anywhere else in SE Asia, and good vibes, Indonesia was one of the coolest countries I visited. Bali is nice, if you like seeing Koreans and Chinese dressed head to toe hiding under umbrellas at the beach, but hands down, my favorite islands were the Gilis, which are a quick catamaran boat ride away. I didn’t get a chance to see much of Jakarta, and despite the fact that it is sinking and the government plans to move the capital anyway, there are plenty of other awesome places to check out.
Bali // Ubud // Gili Islands
Traditional Balinese dancing
This was a show I attended that was all traditional Balinese music and dancing. The ladies in the pink and blue played drums, reed flutes, and these metal marimba type things, but instead of mallets they used what looked like small ice picks. The music was eerie and the dancing was equally strange. Lots of eye movements and unusual finger movements. I say strange because in Western culture, I don't think the fingers are utilized a lot when dancing, but the Balinese seem to have embraced it.
Kuta, Bali - Indonesia
The offerings to ward off evil spirits are everywhere in Bali. In the gym, outside every store front, and in the hallways of hotels.