Country Overview:
“Islands, tuktuks, food wrapped in banana leaves, and the chance to get your Eat, Pray, Love on”
With thousands of islands, a strong culture you won’t find anywhere else in SE Asia, and good vibes, Indonesia was one of the coolest countries I visited. Bali is nice, if you like seeing Koreans and Chinese dressed head to toe hiding under umbrellas at the beach, but hands down, my favorite islands were the Gilis, which are a quick catamaran boat ride away. I didn’t get a chance to see much of Jakarta, and despite the fact that it is sinking and the government plans to move the capital anyway, there are plenty of other awesome places to check out.
Bali // Ubud // Gili Islands
Ubud, Bali - Indonesia
I'm pretty sure Ubud was the place Julia Roberts went in the movie "Eat Pray Love", so I'm sure you can assume what type of people Ubud is full of. 40 year old woman looking to 'find themselves' in a strange and mystic land, but with enough convenience that it doesn't feel like you're camping. This place was full of boutiques, spas, massage parlors, souvenirs, hotels, resorts, and restaurants serving western food. The scenery was beautiful, and it's a cool place to chill out for a few days, but 48 hours was enough for me
Gili T 2
The Gili islands are 3 super small islands off the East coast of Bali. There are no police, no cars and no motorbikes. This place was exactly what I was looking for after such a commercialized Boracay. Only 1 bar is allowed to stay open past 2 every night, which sounds boring, but that's where everyone shows up, so it works out well. Played trivia at a bar and some guy from Scotland on our team went 9/10 for Old School Rap and did quite well for figuring out old tv shows based on their intro song. Everytime he got an answer right, everyone else on our team was like "What kind of culture does Scotland have where he can recognize "Ice Cube - No Vasoline" right after "Fraggle Rock".