#36: Move Over Breakfast: Why Lunch is the True MVP of Meals

Note: I couldn’t quite create the image I had in mind for this post. The one I went with doesn’t entirely fit, but I thought a fried egg in a speech bubble was funny.

We've all heard it a million times: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." But in the fast-paced world we live in today, it’s time to challenge that outdated mantra. The truth is, lunch is the real MVP when it comes to fueling your day. It’s more than just a meal—it’s the midday pit stop that revives your energy, resets your focus, and keeps you humming through the afternoon. Let's take a closer look at why lunch deserves the top spot on your daily menu.

Think of your body like a smartphone. Breakfast is that quick charge you grab before you rush out the door—helpful, sure, but hardly enough to power you through the day. Lunch, though? That’s your trusty power bank. It's the meal that recharges your depleted battery after the morning sprint, setting you up for an afternoon filled with energy and productivity. In fact, studies show that eating a balanced lunch can boost your productivity by up to 150%. Yes, that sandwich might just be the secret to crushing your to-do list.

One of the biggest advantages of lunch is its limitless variety. While breakfast often traps you in a cycle of eggs, cereals, and toast, lunch is a playground of endless culinary possibilities. From sushi to salads, burgers to burritos, the options are as diverse as your Instagram feed. Fun fact: the average person has access to 17 times more lunch options than breakfast ones. That’s not just variety—it’s culinary freedom. And let's be honest, how many restaurants even bother opening for breakfast? The world of food really opens up at noon, turning lunch into a global gastronomic adventure.

When it comes to health, lunch also takes the crown. Breakfast can be a sugary minefield of donuts, pastries, and cereals that could send your dentist into a panic. Lunch, however, tends to be the more responsible sibling, often packed with proteins, vegetables, and whole grains. A survey of 1,000 office workers revealed that those who ate a balanced lunch were 32% more likely to meet their daily nutritional goals compared to those who either skipped lunch or indulged in fast food. Lunch keeps you on track without the sugar rush (or crash) that breakfast so often delivers.

And it’s not just about the food—lunch is a social connector. Whether it’s a midday networking session, a casual catch-up with friends, or a much-needed moment of solitude, lunch fits every occasion. Try proposing a 7 AM breakfast meeting and see how fast your popularity plummets. Lunch hits that sweet spot: not too early, not too late, and with zero pressure to pair your meal with a cocktail, unlike its evening counterpart.

Skipping lunch is a recipe for disaster. Studies have shown that missing the midday meal leads to lower productivity, impaired focus, and increased irritability. Meanwhile, a well-balanced lunch keeps your blood sugar levels stable, preventing those dreaded energy crashes that can derail your afternoon. It’s like a midday hug for your body and mind, giving you the fuel to power through the rest of the day.

Let's be honest: lunch is the meal we look forward to more than any other. It's the light at the end of the morning tunnel, the reward for surviving yet another meeting that could have been an email. Unlike breakfast, which often feels like a rushed necessity, or dinner, which can sometimes be a chore after a long day, lunch is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to something truly delicious. Maybe it's that amazing food truck that parks around the corner, or perhaps it's the leftovers from last night's culinary masterpiece. And let's not forget the occasional luxury of a leisurely business lunch, complete with a cold beer to take the edge off the day. The best part? Lunch comes with a wider margin of time than any other meal. Whether you're an early bird who likes to dine at 11:30 or a late luncher who prefers to push it to 2 PM, lunch accommodates all schedules. It's the flexible friend of meals, always there when you need it most.

So the next time someone tries to sell you on the supremacy of breakfast, just smile and nod. They clearly haven't experienced the midday magic that is lunch. It's the meal that doesn't need a snooze button, doesn't care if you're still in your pajamas, and never judges you for having seconds.

In the grand buffet of life, breakfast might be the appetizer, but lunch? Lunch is the main course, the chef's special, and the daily blue plate special all rolled into one. So raise your fork (or chopsticks, or spoon) to lunch – the meal that proves that the best things in life don't always come to those who wake, but to those who wait... until about 12:30 PM.

Degen Hill

Degen Hill is an American editor, writer and reporter who loves traveling, reading, and exploring the world around him. "Aventuras" is a travel blog and writing portfolio covering the food, people, and cultures of China, South America, Southeast Asia, and many other countries around the world

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